Overleg:Khoisan (volk)
[bronkode bewarken]Thank you for the change you made following our discussion on your gebruker's page. Still, I have one real problem and one smaller problem. The real problem is the map. It looks like a map of a current scientific theory. The legend "volgens Carleton S. Coon (1963)" gives no hint that Coon is achterhaald. I'd suggest something like "Coon's 1963 theory about the distribution of 'Capoids' about 12,000 years ago". The second problem, not so grave, is that Coon was not important as a specialist for the Khoisan peoples. He did some personal research in northern Africa, but his chief interest lay in creating a theory of the races of mankind in general. So, if you want to have some information on how European researchers saw the Khoisan, Coon is certainly not the first one to choose. What I did in the English Wikipedia, was to move the paragraph on Coon together with the map to a separate article en:Capoid race.
An off-topic remark: Many people here (Meschede in German Sauerland) use the form "Coon seine Theorie", even when speaking standard German (Hochdeutsch), which corresponds so exactly to "Coon syne teory". Sad, that I never learned the language of my grandmothers. --Rsk6400 (overleg) 20:08, 10 jun 2020 (CEST)
- Ik zol er in ieder geval bie zetten dät de theorie verolderd is. Coon määkte zien theorieën deur naor het uuterlik te kieken en de schedels of te meten. Daoruut määkte hi'j zien conclusies. Tegenswoorig is dät verolderd. Nije inzichten deur DNA bestund in die tied nog niet.Grwen (overleg) 22:54, 10 jun 2020 (CEST)
- Der steyt al by dat de teory achterhaald is en rechtevoord as rassistisk geldet. Myn beswår üm et heylemål vord te halen is dat Coons teory bydraegen hevt an et imago en de behandeling van de Khoisan. Wellicht kan der een köpken oaver rassisme by. Et kaartjen kan wal weg, want inderdaad gevt dat een verteykend beald. Woolters (overleg) 09:10, 11 jun 2020 (CEST)