Naar inhoud springen


Uut Wikipedia, de vrye encyklopedy

Documentatie voor deze module kan aangemaakt worden op de volgende pagina: Module:Lang/data/doc

--[[--------------------------< L A N G _ N A M E _ T A B L E >------------------------------------------------

primary table of tables that decode:
	lang -> language tags and names
	script -> ISO 15924 script tags
	region -> ISO 3166 region tags
	variant -> iana registered variant tags
	suppressed -> map of scripts tags and their associated language tags
all of these data come from separate modules that are derived from the IANA language-subtag-registry file

key_to_lower() avoids the metatable trap and sets all keys in the subtables to lowercase. Many language codes
have multiple associated names; Module:lang is only concerned with the first name so key_to_lower() only fetches
the first name.


local function key_to_lower (module, src_type)
	local out = {};
	local source = (('var_sup' == src_type) and require (module)) or mw.loadData (module);		-- fetch data from this module; require() avoids metatable trap for variant data
	if 'var_sup' == src_type then
		for k, v in pairs (source) do
			out[k:lower()] = v;													-- for variant and suppressed everything is needed

	elseif 'lang' == src_type and then							-- for ~/iana_languages (active)
		for k, v in pairs ( do
			out[k:lower()] = v[1];												-- ignore multiple names; take first name only

	elseif 'lang_dep' == src_type and source.deprecated then					-- for ~/iana_languages (deprecated)
		for k, v in pairs (source.deprecated) do
			out[k:lower()] = v[1];												-- ignore multiple names; take first name only

	else																		-- here for all other sources
		for k, v in pairs (source) do
			out[k:lower()] = v[1];												-- ignore multiple names; take first name only
	return out;

local lang_name_table = {
	lang = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana languages', 'lang'),
	lang_dep = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana languages', 'lang_dep'),
	script = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana scripts'),				-- script keys are capitalized; set to lower
	region = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana regions'),				-- region keys are uppercase; set to lower
	variant = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana variants', 'var_sup'),
	suppressed = key_to_lower ('Module:Language/data/iana suppressed scripts', 'var_sup'),	-- script keys are capitalized; set to lower

--[[--------------------------< O V E R R I D E >--------------------------------------------------------------

Language codes and names in this table override the BCP47 names in lang_name_table.

indexes in this table shall always be lower case


local override = {
------------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 - 1 >------------------------------------------------------------

	["ca-valencia"] = "valenciaansk",
	["cu"] = "Kerkslavisk",													-- 2nd IANA name;
	["de-at"] = "Oustenryksk düütsk",												-- these code-region and code-variant tags to match article names
	["de-ch"] = "Switsersk düütsk",
	["en-au"] = "Australisk engelsk",
	["en-ca"] = "Kanadeesk engelsk",
	["en-emodeng"] = "vrogmodern engelsk",
	["en-gb"] = "Britsk engelsk",
	["en-ie"] = "Yrsk engelsk",
	["en-in"] = "indiaask engelsk",
	["en-nz"] = "Nyseelandsk engelsk",
	["en-us"] = "Amerikaansk engelsk",
	["en-za"] = "Süüdafrikaansk engelsk",
	["fy"] = "Westerlauwersk frysk",													-- Western Frisian
	["mo"] = "Moldavisk",														-- Moldavian (deprecated code); to match article title
	["nl-be"] = "Vlaamsk",														-- match MediaWiki
	["oc-provenc"] = "Provencaals",
	["ps"] = "Pasjtu",															-- Pushto
	["pt-br"] = "Brasiliaansk portugeesk",											-- match MediaWiki
	["tw-asante"] = "Asante Twi",

-- these ISO 639-1 language-name overrides imported from Module:Language/data/wp_languages
--<begin do-not-edit except to comment out>--
		["av"] = "Avarisk",														-- Avaric
		["bo"] = "Standaardtibetaansk",											-- Tibetan
		["el"] = "Gryksk",														-- Modern Greek
--		["en-SA"] = "Süüdafrikaansk engelsk",									-- English; no; SA is not South Africa it Saudi Arabia; ZA is South Africa
		["ff"] = "Pulaar",														-- Fulah
		["ht"] = "Haitiaansk Kreool",												-- Haitian
		["hz"] = "Otjiherero",													-- Herero
		["ii"] = "Yi",															-- Sichuan Yi
		["ki"] = "Gikuyu",														-- Kikuyu
		["kl"] = "Gröönlandsk",													-- Kalaallisut
		["ky"] = "Kirgysisk",														-- Kirghiz
		["lg"] = "Luganda",														-- Ganda
		["li"] = "Limbörgsk",													-- Limburgan
		["mi"] = "Māori",														-- Maori
		["na"] = "Nauruaansk",														-- Nauru
		["nb"] = "Bokmål",														-- Norwegian Bokmål
		["nd"] = "noordelik Ndebele",											-- North Ndebele
		["nn"] = "Nynorsk",														-- Norwegian Nynorsk
		["nr"] = "süüdelik Ndebele",											-- South Ndebele
		["ny"] = "Chichewa",													-- Nyanja
		["oj"] = "Ojibwe",														-- Ojibwa
		["or"] = "Odia",														-- Oriya
		["pa"] = "Punjabi",														-- Panjabi
		["rn"] = "Kirundi",														-- Rundi
		["sl"] = "Sloveensk",														-- Slovenian
		["ss"] = "Swazi",														-- Swati
		["st"] = "Sotho",														-- Southern Sotho
		["to"] = "Tongaansk",														-- Tonga
--<end do-not-edit except to comment out>--

------------------------------< I S O _ 6 3 9 - 2,   - 3,   - 5 >----------------------------------------------

	["alv"] = "Atlantiske Kongospråken",										-- to match article title (endash)
	["arc"] = "Arameesk",														-- Official Aramaic (700-300 BCE), Imperial Aramaic (700-300 BCE);
	["art"] = "künstspråke",													-- to match article; lowercase for category name
	["bhd"] = "Bhadarwahi",														-- Bhadrawahi; to match article title
	["bla"] = "Blackfoot",														-- Siksika; to match article title
	["bua"] = "Burjatisk",															-- Buriat; this is a macro language; these four use wp preferred transliteration;
	["bxm"] = "Mongoolsk burjatisk",												-- Mongolia Buriat; these three all redirect to Buryat
	["bxr"] = "Rüssisk burjatisk",													-- Russia Buriat;
	["bxu"] = "Chineesk burjatisk",													-- China Buriat;
	["byr"] = "Yipma",															-- Baruya, Yipma
	["egy"] = "Oldegyptisk",												-- Egyptian (Ancient); distinguish from contemporary arz: Egyptian Arabic 
	["ems"] = "Alutiiq",														-- Pacific Gulf Yupik; to match article title
	["esx"] = "Eskimo–Aleutiske språken",											-- to match article title (endash)
	["frr"] = "Noordfrysk",													-- Northern Frisian
	["frs"] = "Oustfrysk neadersassisk",											-- Eastern Frisian
	["gsw-fr"] = "Elsassisk",													-- match MediaWiki
	["haa"] = "Hän",															-- Han; to match article title
	["hmx"] = "Hmong–Mienspråken",											-- to match article title (endash)
	["ilo"] = "Ilokano",														-- Iloko; to match article title
	["jam"] = "Jamaikaansk Kreool",												-- Jamaican Creole English
	["luo"] = "Dholuo",															-- IANA (primary) /ISO 639-3: Luo (Kenya and Tanzania); IANA (secondary): Dholuo
	["mhr"] = "Oustelijk mari",													-- Eastern Mari
	["mid"] = "Modern mandaisk",													-- Mandaic
	['mis'] = "unekodeeerd",														-- Uncoded languages; capitalization; special scope, not collective scope;
	["mkh"] = "Mon–Khmerspråken",											-- to match article title (endash)
	["mla"] = "Tamambo",														-- Malo
	['mte'] = "Mono-Alu",														-- Mono (Solomon Islands)
	['mul'] = "meyrdere",														-- Multiple languages; capitalization; special scope, not collective scope;
	["nan-tw"] = "Taiwaneesk hokkien",											-- make room for IANA / 639-3 nan Min Nan Chinese; match article title
	["new"] = "Newar",															-- Newari, Nepal Bhasa; to match en,wiki article title
	["ngf"] = "Trans–Nyguineaspråken",										-- to match article title (endash)
	["nic"] = "Niger–Kongospråken",											-- Niger-Kordofanian languages; to match en,wiki article title
	["nrf"] = "Normandisk",															-- not quite a collective - IANA name: Jèrriais + Guernésiais; categorizes to Norman-language text
	["nrf-gg"] = "Guernésiais",													-- match MediaWiki
	["nrf-je"] = "Jèrriais",													-- match MediaWiki
	["nzi"] = "Nzema",															-- Nzima; to match article title
	["oma"] = "Omaha–Ponca",													-- to match article title (endash)
	["orv"] = "Old oustslavisk",												-- Old Russian
	["pfl"] = "Paltsisk düütsk",												-- Pfaelzisch; to match article
	["pms"] = "Piemonteesk",													-- Piemontese; to match article title
	["pnb"] = "Punjabi (westelik)",												-- Western Panjabi; dab added to override import from ~/wp languages and distinguish pnb from pa in reverse look up tag_from_name()
	["rop"] = "Australisk kreool",												-- Kriol; article is a dab; point to correct article
	["sdo"] = "Bukar–Sadong",													-- Bukar-Sadung Bidayuh; to match article title
	["stq"] = "Saterfrysk",												-- Saterfriesisch
	["und"] = "unbepåld",													-- capitalization to match existing category
	["wrg"] = "Warrongo",														-- Warungu
	["xal-ru"] = "Kalmukkisk",														-- to match article title
	["xgf"] = "Tongva",															-- ISO 639-3 is Gabrielino-Fernandeño
	["yuf"] = "Havasupai–Hualapai",												-- Havasupai-Walapai-Yavapai; to match article title
	["zxx"] = "ginne språkkündige inhold",											-- capitalization

-- these ISO 639-2, -3 language-name overrides imported from Module:Language/data/wp_languages
--<begin do-not-edit except to comment out>--
		["ace"] = "Atjeh",													-- Achinese
		["aec"] = "Sa'idi arabisk",												-- Saidi Arabic
		["akl"] = "Aklan",														-- Aklanon
		["alt"] = "Altaï",														-- Southern Altai
		["apm"] = "Meskalero-Tsjiritsahua",										-- Mescalero-Chiricahua Apache
		["bal"] = "Balotsji",													-- Baluchi
--		["bcl"] = "Centraal bicolano",											-- Central Bikol
		["bin"] = "Edo",														-- Bini
		["bpy"] = "Bishnupriya Manipuri",										-- Bishnupriya
		["chg"] = "Tsjagataj",													-- Chagatai
		["ckb"] = "Sorani kurdisk",												-- Central Kurdish
		["cnu"] = "Sjenwa",														-- Chenoua
		["coc"] = "Tsokopah",													-- Cocopa
		["diq"] = "Zazaki",														-- Dimli
		["fit"] = "Meänkieli",													-- Tornedalen Finnish
		["fkv"] = "Kven",														-- Kven Finnish
		["frk"] = "Oldfrankisk",												-- Frankish
		["gez"] = "Ge'ez",														-- Geez
		["gju"] = "Gujari",														-- Gujari
		["gsw"] = "Alemannisk",											-- Swiss German
		["gul"] = "Gullah",														-- Sea Island Creole English
		["hak"] = "Hakka",														-- Hakka Chinese
		["hbo"] = "Bybelsk hebrewsk",											-- Ancient Hebrew
		["hnd"] = "Hindko",														-- Southern Hindko
--		["ikt"] = "Inuvialuk",													-- Inuinnaqtun
		["kaa"] = "Karakalpak",													-- Kara-Kalpak
		["khb"] = "Tai Lü",														-- Lü
		["kmr"] = "Kurmanji kurdisk",											-- Northern Kurdish
		["kpo"] = "Kposo",														-- Ikposo
		["krj"] = "Kinaray-a",													-- Kinaray-A
		["ktz"] = "Juǀ'hoan",													-- Juǀʼhoan
		["lez"] = "Lesgisk",													-- Lezghian
		["liv"] = "Lyvlandsk",													-- Liv
		["lng"] = "Lombardisk",													-- Langobardic
		["mia"] = "Miami-Illinois",												-- Miami
		["miq"] = "Miskito",													-- Mískito
		["mix"] = "Mixtec",														-- Mixtepec Mixtec
		["mni"] = "Meitei",														-- Manipuri
		["mrj"] = "Westelik mari",													-- Western Mari
		["mww"] = "Witte Hmong",												-- Hmong Daw
		["nds-nl"] = "neaderlandsk neadersassisk",											-- Low German
--		["new"] = "Nepal Bhasa",												-- Newari
		["nso"] = "Noordelijk sotho",												-- Pedi
--		["nwc"] = "Klassik Nepal Bhasa",										-- Classical Newari, Classical Nepal Bhasa, Old Newari
		["ood"] = "O'odham",													-- Tohono O'odham
		["otk"] = "Oldtürksk",													-- Old Turkish
		["pal"] = "Middelpersisk",												-- Pahlavi
		["pam"] = "Kapampangan",												-- Pampanga
		["phr"] = "Potwari",													-- Pahari-Potwari
		["pka"] = "Jain Prakrit",												-- Ardhamāgadhī Prākrit
--		["pnb"] = "Punjabi",													-- Western Panjabi
		["psu"] = "Shauraseni",													-- Sauraseni Prākrit
		["rap"] = "Rapa Nui",													-- Rapanui
		["rar"] = "Cook Islands Māori",											-- Rarotongan
		["rmu"] = "Skandoromani",												-- Tavringer Romani
		["rom"] = "Romani",														-- Romany
		["rup"] = "Arumeensk",													-- Macedo-Romanian
		["ryu"] = "Okinawaansk",													-- Central Okinawan
		["sdc"] = "Sassareesk",													-- Sassarese Sardinian
		["sdn"] = "Gallureesk",													-- Gallurese Sardinian
		["shp"] = "Shipibo",													-- Shipibo-Conibo
		["src"] = "Logudoreesk",													-- Logudorese Sardinian
		["sro"] = "Kampidaneesk",												-- Campidanese Sardinian
		["tkl"] = "Tokelauaansk",													-- Tokelau
		["tvl"] = "Tuvaluaansk",													-- Tuvalu
		["tyv"] = "Tuvaask",														-- Tuvinian
		["vls"] = "Westvlaamsk",												-- Vlaams
		["wep"] = "Westfålsk",												-- Westphalien
		["xal"] = "Oirat",														-- Kalmyk
		["xcl"] = "Oldarmeensk",												-- Classical Armenian
		["yua"] = "Yukatek maya",												-- Yucateco
--<end do-not-edit except to comment out>--

------------------------------< P R I V A T E _ U S E _ T A G S >----------------------------------------------

	["alg-x-proto"] = "Proto-algonkiaansk",										-- alg in IANA is Algonquian languages
	["cel-x-proto"] = "Proto-keltisk",											-- cel in IANA is Celtic languages
	["gem-x-proto"] = "Proto-germaansk",											-- gem in IANA is Germanic languages
	["gmw-x-ecg"] = "Oustmiddeldüütsk",
	["grc-x-aeolic"] = "Aeolisk gryksk",											-- these grc-x-... codes are preferred alternates to the non-standard catchall code grc-gre
	["grc-x-attic"] = "Attisk gryksk",
	["grc-x-biblical"] = "Bybelsk gryksk",
	["grc-x-byzant"] = "Byzantynsk gryksk",
	["grc-x-classic"] = "Klassik gryksk",
	["grc-x-doric"] = "Dorisk gryksk",
	["grc-x-hellen"] = "Hellenistisk gryksk",
	["grc-x-ionic"] = "Ionisk gryksk",
	["grc-x-koine"] = "Koinē gryksk",
	["grc-x-medieval"] = "Middeleywsk gryksk",
	["grc-x-patris"] = "Patristisk gryksk",
	["grk-x-proto"] = "Proto-gryksk",											-- grk in IANA is Greek languages
	["iir-x-proto"] = "Proto-indoiraansk",										-- iir in IANA is Indo-Iranian Languages
	["ine-x-proto"] = "Proto-indoeuropääsk",
	["ira-x-proto"] = "Proto-iraansk",											-- ira in IANA is Iranian languages
	["itc-x-proto"] = "Proto-italisk",											-- itc in IANA is Italic languages
	["ksh-x-colog"] = "Kölsk",												-- article is Colognian; ksh (Kölsch) redirects there
	["la-x-medieval"] = "Middeleywsk latyn",
	["mis-x-ripuar"] = "Ripuarisk",												-- replaces improper use of ksh in wp_languages
	["sem-x-proto"] = "Proto-semitisk",
	["sla-x-proto"] = "Proto-slavisk",											-- sla in IANA is Slavic languages
	["yuf-x-hav"] = "Havasupai",												-- IANA name for these three is Havasupai-Walapai-Yavapai
	["yuf-x-wal"] = "Walapai",
	["yuf-x-yav"] = "Yavapai",

--[[--------------------------< A R T I C L E _ L I N K >------------------------------------------------------

for those rare occasions when article titles don't fit with the normal '<language name>-language', this table
maps language code to article title. Use of this table should be avoided and the use of redirects preferred as
that is the long-standing method of handling article names that don't fit with the normal pattern


local article_name = {
	["lij"] = "Ligurisk",									-- Ligurian; see Template_talk:Lang#Ligurian_dab
	['mnh'] = "Mono (Kongo)",											-- Mono (Democratic Republic of Congo); see Template_talk:Lang#Mono_languages
	['mnr'] = "Mono (Kalifornie)",										-- Mono (USA)
	['mru'] = "Mono (Kameroon)",										-- Mono (Cameroon)
	["xlg"] = "Ligurisk (olde språke)",									-- see Template_talk:Lang#Ligurian_dab

--[=[-------------------------< R T L _ S C R I P T S >--------------------------------------------------------

ISO 15924 scripts that are written right-to-left. Data in this table taken from [[ISO 15924#List of codes]]

last update to this list: 2017-12-24


local rtl_scripts = {
	'adlm', 'arab', 'aran', 'armi', 'avst', 'cprt', 'egyd', 'egyh', 'hatr', 'hebr',
	'hung', 'inds', 'khar', 'lydi', 'mand', 'mani', 'mend', 'merc', 'mero', 'narb',
	'nbat', 'nkoo', 'orkh', 'palm', 'phli', 'phlp', 'phlv', 'phnx', 'prti', 'rohg',
	'samr', 'sarb', 'sogd', 'sogo', 'syrc', 'syre', 'syrj', 'syrn', 'thaa', 'wole',

--[[--------------------------< T R A N S L I T _ T I T L E S >------------------------------------------------

This is a table of tables of transliteration standards and the language codes or language scripts that apply to
those standards. This table is used to create the tool-tip text associated with the transliterated text displayed
by some of the {{lang-??}} templates.

These tables are more-or-less copied directly from {{transl}}. The standard 'NO_STD' is a construct to allow for
the cases when no |std= parameter value is provided.


local translit_title_table = {
	['ahl'] = {
		['default'] = 'Academy of the Hebrew Language transliteratsy',

	['ala'] = {
		['default'] = 'American Library Association – Library of Congress transliteratsy',

	['ala-lc'] = {
		['default'] = 'American Library Association – Library of Congress transliteratsy',

	['batr'] = {
		['default'] = 'Bikdash Arabic Transliteration Rules',

	['bgn/pcgn'] = {
		['default'] = 'Board on Geographic Names / Permanent Committee on Geographical Names transliteratsy',

	['din'] = {
		['ar'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabisk',
		['fa'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabisk',
		['ku'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabisk',
		['ps'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabisk',
		['tg'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabisk',
		['ug'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabisk',
		['ur'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabisk',
		['arab'] = 'DIN 31635 Arabisk',

		['default'] = 'DIN transliteratsy',

	['eae'] = {
		['default'] = 'Encyclopaedia Aethiopica transliteratsy',

	['hepburn'] = {
		['default'] = 'Hepburn transliteratsy',

	['hunterian'] = {
		['default'] = 'Hunterian transliteratsy',

	['iast'] = {
		['default'] = 'International Alphabet of Sanskrit transliteratsy',

	['iso'] = {																	-- when a transliteration standard is supplied
		['ab'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['ba'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['be'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['bg'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['kk'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['ky'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['mn'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['ru'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['tg'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['uk'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['bua'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['sah'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['tut'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['xal'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',
		['cyrl'] = 'ISO 9 Cyrillisk',

		['ar'] = 'ISO 233 Arabisk',
		['ku'] = 'ISO 233 Arabisk',
		['ps'] = 'ISO 233 Arabisk',
		['ug'] = 'ISO 233 Arabisk',
		['ur'] = 'ISO 233 Arabisk',
		['arab'] = 'ISO 233 Arabisk',

		['he'] = 'ISO 259 Hebrewsk',
		['yi'] = 'ISO 259 Hebrewsk',
		['hebr'] = 'ISO 259 Hebrewsk',

		['el'] = 'ISO 843 Gryksk',
		['grc'] = 'ISO 843 Gryksk',

		['ja'] = 'ISO 3602 Japansk',
		['hira'] = 'ISO 3602 Japansk',
		['hrkt'] = 'ISO 3602 Japansk',
		['jpan'] = 'ISO 3602 Japansk',
		['kana'] = 'ISO 3602 Japansk',

		['zh'] = 'ISO 7098 Chineesk',
		['chi'] = 'ISO 7098 Chineesk',
		['pny'] = 'ISO 7098 Chineesk',
		['zho'] = 'ISO 7098 Chineesk',
--		['han'] = 'ISO 7098 Chineesk',											-- unicode alias of Hani? doesn't belong here? should be Hani?
		['hans'] = 'ISO 7098 Chineesk',
		['hant'] = 'ISO 7098 Chineesk',

		['ka'] = 'ISO 9984 Georgisk',
		['kat'] = 'ISO 9984 Georgisk',

		['arm'] = 'ISO 9985 Armeensk',
		['hy'] = 'ISO 9985 Armeensk',

		['th'] = 'ISO 11940 Thaisk',
		['tha'] = 'ISO 11940 Thaisk',

		['ko'] = 'ISO 11941 Koreaansk',
		['kor'] = 'ISO 11941 Koreaansk',

		['awa'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['bho'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['bn'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['bra'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['doi'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['dra'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['gon'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['gu'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['hi'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['inc'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['kn'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['kok'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['ks'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['mag'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['mai'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['ml'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['mr'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['ne'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['new'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['or'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['pa'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['raj'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['sa'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['sat'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['sd'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['si'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['ta'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['tcy'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['te'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['beng'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['brah'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['deva'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['gujr'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['guru'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['knda'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['mlym'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['orya'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['sinh'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['taml'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',
		['telu'] = 'ISO 15919 Indisk',

		['default'] = 'ISO transliteratsy',

	['jyutping'] = {
		['default'] = 'Jyutping transliteratsy',

	['mlcts'] = {
		['default'] = 'Myanmar Language Commission Transcription System',

	['mr'] = {
		['default'] = 'McCune–Reischauer transliteratsy',

	['nihon-shiki'] = {
		['default'] = 'Nihon-shiki transliteratsy',

	['no_std'] = {																-- when no transliteration standard is supplied
		['akk'] = 'Semitisk transliteratsy',
		['sem'] = 'Semitisk transliteratsy',
		['phnx'] = 'Semitisk transliteratsy',
		['xsux'] = 'spykerskrivttransliteratsy',

	['pinyin'] = {
		['default'] = 'Pinyin transliteratsy',

	['rr'] = {
		['default'] = 'Revised Romanization of Korean transliteratsy',

	['rtgs'] = {
		['default'] = 'Royal Thai General System of Transcription',
	['satts'] = {
		['default'] = 'Standard Arabic Technical Transliteration System transliteratsy',

	['scientific'] = {
		['default'] = 'weatenskappelike transkriptsy',

	['ukrainian'] = {
		['default'] = 'Ukrainian National system of romanization',

	['ungegn'] = {
		['default'] = 'United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names transliteratsy',

	['wadegile'] = {
		['default'] = 'Wade–Giles transliteratsy',

	['wehr'] = {
		['default'] = 'Hans Wehr transliteratsy',

	article_name = article_name,
	lang_name_table = lang_name_table,
	override = override,
	rtl_scripts = rtl_scripts,
	special_tags_table = special_tags_table,
	translit_title_table = translit_title_table,